We Honor Our GRRCC Adopters!
If you adopted a GRRCC dog between January, 2019 and January, 2020 this party honors you!
Everyone is invited, members, volunteers and adopters from ALL years. The price of admission is a salad/side dish/dessert to share. The main course(s) and non-adult beverages are provided by the club. You may bring your own bottle of “adult cheer” if you’d like.
When: Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 7 p.m.
Where: Beverly Crest Club House | 7100 Hensey’s Way | Charlotte, N.C. 28270
To RSVP and let us know what you’ll bring (if you adopted between January 20119 and January 2020 you don’t need to bring a thing), please e-mail diane.drinan@comcast.net prior to February 5th.
We also encourage you to bring photos of your GRRCC love to share.
Click to watch this year’s video!