Hello friends of GRRCC,
Finally! For nearly 2 years GRRCC has been unable to host any fundraising events due to COVID-19. We are now excited and pleased to announce one of our favorite annual fundraising events, the Gene Fitzpatrick Memorial Golfing for Goldens Benefit Golf Tournament which will take place at beautiful Emerald Lakes Golf Club on Saturday, October 16th beginning at 1pm. Registration begins at noon!. This year we’re also excited to announce that one of our signature sponsors is Tito’s Vodka, Vodka for Dog People. In addition to being one of our sponsor’s, Tito’s will also have several items/products available as prizes and auction items.
Everyone is invited. It’s a fun full day of golf, prizes, food, a silent auction and Golden Retrievers!
We also offer tournament sponsorships for companies/businesses and even individuals. You can become a tournament sponsor and purchase a sign with your company logo and/or Ad, promote a cause or even a heartwarming message on a sign that can be placed at a green or tee box for everyone to see.
So if you like golf and Golden Retrievers then you will LOVE this event! To learn more about the event, and to Register, click the link below.
If you still have questions regarding the event or want more information about becoming a sponsor for the event please contact:
Dick Griffin (704-904-2297) dickgriffin@att.net
Rick Gross (704-442-3420) rick.gross@morganstanley.com
Thank you so much and we hope to see you, and your friends at the event.
Dick Griffin
Rick Gross