Lola now Maisie – Adopted 8/2024

Sweet Maisie found her place !

Meet Lola!

Name: Lola Age: 1 year old Gender: Spayed female Color: Red

Activity Level: Lola is full of energy and loves to play! She enjoys a good game of tug and can run like the wind. Her high jumps are a sight to behold, making her an excellent companion for active families.

Housebreaking: Lola is housebroken and doesn’t have accidents. However, she doesn’t yet signal when she needs to go out. She paces and wanders when she needs a break, so regular trips outside help keep her on track. She’s learning to go to the door when she needs to go out.

Obedience Commands: Lola knows “Sit” and “Paw.” When she’s ready for a walk, she’ll sit and wait for you to put her Easy Walk harness on.

Interactions with Other Animals:

  • Dogs: Lola gets along well with other dogs and loves to run and chase them.
  • Cats: She’s intrigued by cats and loves to chase them, but she’s learning to leave them alone with time.

Interactions with Children: Lola has been sweet and excited around teenagers and the neighbor’s kids. She seems to enjoy their company and is gentle with them.

Leash Behavior: Lola loves walks but tends to pull. The Easy Walk harness has helped manage her pulling. She’s a fast walker and enjoys being outside.

Car Rides: Lola loves car rides and doesn’t get car sick. She prefers to stand in the back seat and would sit in the front if she could. A dog seat belt is recommended for her safety.

Crate Behavior: Lola hasn’t been crated as she stays with another dog when her foster family is away. At night, she sleeps in bed with her foster family or on her dog bed.

Favorite Activities: Lola loves to run and is incredibly fast. She’s a great cuddler who loves attention and wants to be close to you. She enjoys chewing on bones and playing with balls, even though she doesn’t quite get the hang of catch yet.

Negative Behaviors:

  • Jumping when greeting people.
  • Gets anxious when left alone or when someone leaves the room.
  • Barking when excited.
  • Distracted and less responsive when overly excited.

Reactions to Loud Noises: Lola is unfazed by vacuums, thunder, and hairdryers but gets scared of large delivery trucks during walks.

Ideal Home: Lola would thrive in a home where someone is around most of the time or works from home. She’d do well with another dog for company and would benefit from a fenced yard to run and play. She’s eager to please and would benefit from basic command training.

Cute Quirks: Lola is the best cuddler and loves belly rubs. She’ll nudge you with her paw if you stop petting her. She “talks” when holding her toys in her mouth and is very curious and attentive. Her speed when running is impressive and entertaining!